Make Payment Information
Simple and Clear

Easily display payment data through our API.
Do you have these issues?

Frequent Inquiries from Users

Are you troubled by an increasing number of inquiries from customers due to insufficient credit card statement information?

By implementing Receipt Roller's Payment Data Enrichment service, both users and credit card companies can view detailed information, reducing the frequency of inquiries and streamlining the verification process.

Billing and Names Do Not Match

It is not uncommon for the details of services used by customers to not match the credit card billing details. Various reasons cause these discrepancies, leading to costly resolutions.

By using Receipt Roller's Payment Data Enrichment service, you can obtain the latest information at any time, ensuring that billing details match actual usage. This improves data accuracy and provides more precise statement information.

Chargebacks Occur

Addressing inquiries related to chargebacks and determining the necessity of chargebacks can incur financial and human resource costs.

By implementing Receipt Roller's Payment Data Enrichment service, you can provide clear information necessary to determine whether a chargeback is required. This reduces the number of inquiries and chargebacks.

What You Can Do with This Service

Company and Organization Search

You can access information on 5,423,043 companies and organizations. You can link each company or organization to your own merchant ID.

Brand Search

You can link each brand to a store or company.

Store Search

You can link each store or ATM to your own merchant ID.

Store Label Management

In addition to existing store labels, you can individually assign your own store labels.

Location Information

You can obtain the location information and maps of stores.

Receipt Issuance

For supported stores, you can issue receipts.

Contact Us

For inquiries regarding product demos, implementation, etc., please use the form below.